

As an adolescent, Matthew was raised in a small Midwestern town. A community where locking doors was not a must. Life was “normal” (or so he thought) leading up to early teenage years. He spent time with family (his favorite activity was with his father, mother and two sisters at the lake cottage), participating in sports and socializing with friends. At age 10, the life Matthew knew all changed. His father was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and would start treatments to battle the deadly disease. Simultaneously, several significant leg injuries, disease and surgeries ended all participation in sports at age 12 (Matthew would endure a total of five leg surgeries by mid 30s). Significant childhood trauma continued, at age 13, Matthew lost his father to cancer after a long, painful, courageous battle. He loved his father, however, important to acknowledge the home environment Matthew experienced was not healthy growing up with two alcoholic parents whom lacked the ability to properly nurture. The traumatic moments in his early childhood and teenage years formed the man (or should we say boy) who was a reckless rebel in his teens and 20s who lacked love for himself and others. Matthew was abusive to himself through calamitous behaviors into his 30s. Due to his actions, he experienced chronic mind and body stress which contributed to significant health issues: insomnia, physical weakness, weigh gain, depression, hormonal imbalances and lack of clarity. Amazingly enough, Matthew was able to balance the self-destructive lifestyle and graduate high school as Valedictorian. Continuing, earning a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees (both with honors) from Marquette University and achieve a successful career in finance accounting.

In 2021, he was sitting at the desk of an executive level corporate career contemplating his life thinking and wondering there has be more to life than this endless grind and pursuit of the external that has never fulfilled who I am inside – my soul.  Why was he depressed when he had such a greatly “perceived” life? — plenty of money, a beautiful wife, successful corporate career, expensive home and means to travel anywhere.  There is still something missing.  He knew there must be a bigger mission. What is my purpose in this existence that is greater than money and “things”? How do I help others on their journey in this lifetime?  At that moment, the life he knew changed once again. He then left his corporate careers, moved to a yoga wellness ranch in Montana and several months later sadly ended his marriage.

Matthew has embarked on a deep healing journey for several years now. He is deeply committed to his own spiritual path. He is a divine masculine who consciously dedicates his life to helping others help themselves.  His ultimate vision is to explore and restore balance with the masculine and feminine – inside each of us and externally in relationships – especially through polarity within intimate relationships.  And through all these experiences and adventures, reclaim our connection with the divine so we can be still long enough to hear our inner voice and follow our soul path.

Matthew is an intentional world traveler and seeker, with an affinity for the unconventional lifestyle. He has a love for serving others through his role as Founder of Master of New Beginnings. Matthew also continues to serve businesses through his advisory practice where he integrates mindfulness and consciousness into the corporate world. He believes that almost any source of suffering can be remedied at the intersection of nature, heart and spirituality in a trusted and supportive space. He finds a great deal of joy and inner peace in the mountains, at lakes and in the ocean (swimming & surfing 😊). Matthew is passionate about meditation, hiking, trekking, strength training, yoga, surfing, continuously learning and, most importantly, self-discipline. He is a 200-hour registered yoga teacher credentialed by Yoga Alliance and a Reiki Master. Matthew also completed a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat in Pokhara, Nepal and a 12 day Ayahuasca retreat in the Amazon jungle of Peru.  Matthew often says that his greatest teachers are travel and the opportunity to experience customs and cultures from around the globe.

During travels to Nepal and Bhutan, he was able to release deep pain, sadness, and anger, finding gratitude for the magical people and vast landscapes that guided him to a new beginning in life. The personal life transformation experienced in these sacred lands was the inspiration to cultivate Master of New Beginnings. Matthew believes that our truth lies within us; we simply need to face our darkest shadows to uncover the answers. Immersing in and experiencing sacred lands is medicine for the soul and forever transformative. Discovering self-love and inner peace is the true essence of a New Beginning.

monk energy…let it be…let it be…let it be…monk energy

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